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What is Creative Journalling?


A creative journal is where you can record the events, thoughts, feelings and other issues of daily life. A place to vent, to celebrate, to work through the maze of life. It is a friend, a confidant. It is also a place for you to reflect on how you have felt about or reacted to a situation, to learn from it and use what you have learned. Creative journals become a journey of self-discovery and improvement as you declutter your mind from negative thoughts and create a positive mindset.


Creative journalling encourages you to be more observant of the world around you and to think about what you are grateful for, what makes you happy and to set goals for the future. Your journal can be the companion that supports but doesn't judge, a place of discovery and a creative playground where there are no rules.

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Our workshops and courses investigate different styles of journalling, the mental health benefits of keeping a journal and are designed to be as hands-on as possible. They are suitable for those who are thinking of starting a journal or those who have been journalling for years. Our aim is to inspire, inform and share ideas. 



Click here to find out more.




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